

Gravitas: Israel & Hamas exchange rocket fire

Gravitas: Israel & Hamas exchange rocket fire

 there are always two ways to look at


always two sides to every story and you

need to hear

both before arriving at a conclusion but

when each side claims to be right

when each side claims to be the victim

who does one really believe

this is a question the world faces today

as the streets of jerusalem and gaza

echo with sounds of gunfire and warning


the clashes which began weeks ago are

showing no signs of abating

on one side are the palestinians who

claim to be fighting for their land

on the other side is israel which claims

to be only protecting itself from

palestinian aggression

the story is more complex than what

meets the eye

this is not just a clash between a few

protesters and a few troops

over a few blocks of land this has

become a clash of civilizations

of two people who've always been at odds

with each other

and this clash could soon engulf the

entire region if both sides do not reach

a consensus

let me begin with the latest the

exchange of fire between palestinian

militants and the israeli military


on monday night more than 300 rockets

were fired from gaza towards

israel most of them were intercepted by

israel's iron dome system

the iron dome is an all-weather air

defense system it is designed to counter

short-range rockets

and artillery shells and it operates day

and night even in bad

weather it can reportedly respond to

multiple threats simultaneously

so this iron dome intercepted most of

the rockets that flew from gaza

but not all of them two israelis are

said to have died in the attacks

according to reuters both victims are


the images have emerged now they show

paramedics rushing bodies of those

injured in the attack

to a nearby hospital several other


locals most of them old were also

injured in the attack

we're standing in azkalon a city in

southern israel

the house behind me was hit by a rocket

overnight fired from gaza

by terrorists it is one of more than 300

rockets fired

from gaza at israel fortunately more

than 90 percent of rockets have been

intercepted by the iron dome but


one got through and caused life injuries

in israel

now in response israeli forces launched

air strikes on gaza

a total of 150 rockets are said to have

been fired the hamas and palestinian

health ministry says

25 people including nine children died

in the strikes

108 others were reportedly wounded

the suffering is the same on both sides

similar visuals have emerged from gaza

they show women and children crying and

running for cover

they show people rushing for medical


among the children who died was an 11

year old boy

hundreds of mourners attended his


why did you kill him they kill and there

is no one to make them answer for it

the whole world is watching it doesn't

matter if they kill a child

or a woman there is no one to hold them

accountable for it therefore

it doesn't matter if they kill a child

as the violence continues anti-israel

protests have erupted in several


in turkey protesters set israeli flags

on fire thousands demonstrated outside

israel's diplomatic missions

in ankara and istanbul not too far away

in morocco

there were protests in casablanca

thousands came out to express their

solidarity with palestinians in


same in jordan at least 1500 people from

all kinds of political backgrounds and

ideologies rallied in oman

demanding the expulsion of the israeli

ambassador to their country

arab leaders have responded to the

foreign ministry of saudi arabia has

condemned the violence

the statement says and i'm quoting the

kingdom calls upon the international

community to hold the israeli occupier


and to halt immediately this escalation

that goes against every international


and convention the foreign ministry of

syria has reiterated these sentiments it

has said and i'm quoting again the

authorities of israeli occupation

and their flocks of settlers continue

their unjust

and shared aggression against the

palestinian people

under a usurping occupation

that does not respect the international

law nor the geneva accords of 1949

jordan's monarchy has condemned israel's


and this is what their statement says

his highness king abdullah ii ensured

in a phone call with palestinian

president mahmoud abbas

his rejection of the israeli authorities


to change the demographic situation in

east jerusalem

the islamic world has united against

israel even countries that very recently

normalized ties with israel they're

speaking against it

back in jerusalem the prime minister of

israel benjamin netanyahu

remains undeterred he has vowed to

increase the frequency of the attacks

he says hamas will be getting blows it

cannot predict

we are the height of a campaign since

yesterday the idf executed hundreds of

attacks on hamas

and islamic jihad in gaza we targeted


we hit many of their quality targets at

the conclusion of a situational


it was decided that both the might of

the attacks and the frequency of the


will be increased hamas will be getting

blows it didn't expect

yesterday we told you this conflict has

all the makings of a third intifada

as both sides use indiscriminate force

and inflict casualties

the question of who is right and who

isn't is already going up in smoke

what remains is a festering conflict a

decades-old war that

five peace deals could not end

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#Gravitas #Israel #Hamas

Gravitas: Israel & Hamas exchange rocket fire

Israel & Hamas continue to exchange rocket fire as civilians suffer. The question of who is right & who isn't has gone up the smoke. Palki Sharma tells you why.

#Gravitas #Israel #Hamas

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